Southern Heads Association

Counsel. Renew. Restore.

A professional organization that supports, informs, connects, and rejuvenates heads of independent schools.

The Southern Live Oak, also known simply as the Live Oak, gets its name from the fact that, unlike other oaks, it doesn't lose its leaves in the autumn. Live Oaks are native to the Southeastern coast of the United States, extending from Virginia to Florida and as far west as Texas and Oklahoma.

The Live Oak was chosen by our association's members to serve as a reminder that we are rooted in the vision and generosity of our association’s founders in creating our organization to uniquely serve those leading independently and their families.  It also serves as a reminder of those who have answered the call to be servant leaders to thousands of students and faculty, faithfully rooted in their missions and devoted to excellence.

“The Southern Heads Association seeks to connect school leaders with each other to enhance, support, and stimulate our leadership experience through a self-perpetuating network.”

- Jim McIntyre, Executive Director of Southern Heads Association